This week we learn how to plot individual US counties and state wide counties from shapefile data using FIPS codes.
MetPy Mondays #278 - How to Plot Individual US Counties in Python
03 April 2023
This week we learn how to plot individual US counties and state wide counties from shapefile data using FIPS codes.
MetPy Mondays #277 - How to Quickly Counter ANY Iterable in Python
27 March 2023
MetPy Mondays #275 - Control your netCDF Precision and Size!
13 March 2023
netCDF is a great data format, but there are a few tricks you can use to save massive storage space when needed!
MetPy Mondays #274 - Will it Compress? File Compression with Python
06 March 2023
This week we try file compression on different types of files with different compression algorithms to see what techniques you can use to save space with storing data using Python!