Arrow plots are a great way to show vector quantities and this week we show you how to make an arrow plot the easy way with MetPy's declarative plotting syntax.
MetPy Mondays #264 - Making Arrow Plots in Python the Easy Way with Declarative Plotting
27 December 2022
Arrow plots are a great way to show vector quantities and this week we show you how to make an arrow plot the easy way with MetPy's declarative plotting syntax.
MetPy Mondays #263 - Using XArray Multidimensional Groupby for Global Mean Temperatures
19 December 2022
XArray lets you do powerful group by operations like Pandas, but with even more capability! This week we look at how to use groupby_bins to create a chart of mean temperature with latitude and height in the atmosphere!
MetPy Mondays #262 - Finding Magnetic Declination and Correcting Wind Observations
12 December 2022
Sometimes we need the magnetic declination at a location to correct wind observations to true North. This week we'll look at a quick and simple Python library to do exactly that!
MetPy Mondays #261 - Convert Pandas DataFrames to XArray DataSets
05 December 2022
Pandas DataFrames serve us well in many applications, but for data with multiple coordinates or many attributes XArray may be a better fit. This week we see how to convert a DataFrame of upper air data into a dataset.
MetPy Mondays #260 - Free up GIGABYTES of Space with Conda Clean
28 November 2022
Conda is great, but it can be a space hog. Find out how to free up lots of precious hard drive room with a simple command!