Learn how to use virtual environments and how they stack up to Conda in this week's #MetPyMonday!
MetPy Mondays #259 - Virtual Environments (How to use this Conda alternative)
22 November 2022
MetPy Mondays #258 - How to Create a Conda Environment File (Easily Share Your Python Environments!)
13 November 2022
Conda environments files are a great way to share your Python environments with others. Creating them is easy and this week we'll show you how!
MetPy Mondays #257 - Taming GRIB Files with XArray
07 November 2022
GRIB files can be difficult to work with! This week we tame a National Weather Service GRIB file using XArray.
MetPy Mondays #256 - What's the difference between dimensions and coordinates in XArray?
31 October 2022
XArray is very powerful, but there's a lot of terminology to get through getting started. This week we deep dive on dimensions vs coordinates.
MetPy Mondays #255 - Calculating Q-Vectors to Find Frontogenic and Frontolytic Zones
24 October 2022
The Q-vector is a great tool for dynamic analysis, but did you know MetPy can calculate it with ease? This week we calculate it using real Mesonet data.