This week we contour our gridded Mesonet observations and then calculate a gradient.
MetPy Mondays #254 - Contouring Mesonet Data and Calculating the Gradient
17 October 2022
MetPy Mondays #253 - Gridding Mesonet Data and Merging Dataframes in Pandas
10 October 2022
Learn how to merge a location and surface observation dataset, then grid them to get ready to do some calculations.
MetPy Mondays #252 - Blackbody Radiation and the Plank Function
03 October 2022
MetPy Mondays #251 - Divergence
26 September 2022
This week we get a better understanding of divergence by creating and plotting it for simple wind fields!
MetPy Mondays #250 - Normand's Rule
19 September 2022
This week we explore the relationship between temperature, pressure, dewpoint, and web bulb temperature using calculations and graphically with Normand's Rule.