![GEARS workshop](/blog_content/images/2022/20220701_gears_soldering.png)
Sometime Unidata Program Center software developer and MetPy Mondays host John Leeman is holding a week-long Generalist Electromechanics for Applied Researchers (GEARS) workshop August 1-5, 2022; registration is open through July 6.
[Read More]GEARS Workshop: Register by July 6!
30 June 2022
Sometime Unidata Program Center software developer and MetPy Mondays host John Leeman is holding a week-long Generalist Electromechanics for Applied Researchers (GEARS) workshop August 1-5, 2022; registration is open through July 6.
[Read More]Unidata Committee Nomination Period Extended
30 June 2022
Unidata is governed by its community. Our governing committees facilitate consensus-building for future directions of the Unidata Program and establish standards of involvement for the community. Direct involvement in the Program by the academic community helps Unidata stay on top of trends in education and research; for example, recent initiatives on Python and cloud-based computing have benefited tremendously from committee advice and involvement.
Note: The deadline for nominations to serve on Unidata's governing committees has been extended until August 1, 2022. We are especially in need of individuals from diverse institutions in the geosciences who can help set Unidata's course for the coming decade as part of our Strategic Advisory Committee.
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